Stupid Environment

From the subject line, I’m not saying the environment is stupid; I’m saying I’m stupid about the environment. Let me explain.
Epcor, the energy monopoly in Alberta, has a program where you can pay more for your electricity, and then it will come from renewable energy sources. i.e. wind and solar. I believe I still get the same electricity as everyone else, just that more of that pool will come from renewable energy.
According to today’s newspaper: “Alberta is the largest producer of wind power in Canada and is the only province where consumers can choose to buy wind-generated electricity.” – Edmonton Journal 2004-3-29
When this program started, I was living in an apartment where electricity was covered within the rent. Supposedly I could have run a particle accelerator in my place and not paid any more. Since I had no say in how the power was made, I didn’t worry about it. I was too lazy to lobby for it. I did think that if I had a choice, I would choose the renewable energy plan.
Now I’ve lived in a condo for a year, and I pay for my own power. I had totally forgotten about the option. And I do have a choice.
See! Stupid!
I’ve got to get on this now.