Pressure I don’t need

Okay, the last entry ended in a lie. Something did happen on Tuesday. I had entered my journal into the website and finished the spell check. Before I could submit it, my screen went wavy. Nothing seemed to be doing anything. I turned off my computer, and then tried to turn it on again.
It wouldn’t.
So for the rest of the evening I was concerned that my computer had died, taking the hard drive with it. I had nothing else pressing, so I went to bed early. Since I was well rested, I woke up earlier than I wanted. I couldn’t get back to sleep because I was thinking about all the data I had lost. I decided I would skip running tonight and take the computer back to where I had bought it.
After breakfast I did a last check. The thing started and booted up without a problem. So I quickly started copying the important files onto other media. I was late for work, but I got most of the irreplaceable stuff saved.
This was the first time I have ever backed up.
At least it was very intuitive what needed to be done.
So this evening I recreated my last entry from memory, posted it. Then I wrote this.
Strangely, I’m back to only posting on days that I run.