Small kid vaccine wanted

I have decided that I am allergic to small children.
On Monday I attended a small party at a friend’s place. One person had brought their family, which included a baby and a small girl. The next day, I had a scratchy throat. Coincidence? I also wasn’t at my best, but I blamed that on coming off of a vacation. Today, I am really out of it. Not enough that I couldn’t go to work, but I really wasn’t there.
But, I still went running today. I actually just got back. It’s been about three weeks since I last pounded the pavement. I kept up a good pace, and I think the fresh air did me good.
It’s probably just as well that the girl previously mentioned never phoned back to arrange the coffee date. I am not in the mood to play phone tag with someone who doesn’t seem interested in me. Or it might be that it took too much sucking up courage to phone once, that I don’t have the energy to do it again. Take your pick.
Life continues.