The best laid plans…

Today was a disappointment.
My scooter is set to arrive today, and I’ll pick it up tomorrow. So I phoned up my insurance agency to get insurance on it. No problem. Then after tonight’s run I saw that the dealership was still open so I stopped in. And there was my scooter.
However, they weren’t going to let me have it. When it shipped to them, it was outside of its box and lying on its side. So it was all scratched up and things were bent that shouldn’t have been. They’re going to return it, and a new one is being shipped from Montreal. It should be here next week. They actually seemed angrier than I was. I was just… numb? (I haven’t made my self-esteem dependent on this purchase.)
I was able to sit on the shipped model and the controls are where I expected them to be, But this ruins my long weekend plans. I was going to spend it getting comfortable with my scooter so I could take it to work on Monday. The dealership said that they will let me borrow one of their rental bikes on the weekend for an hour so I can get comfortable with them. At least that takes a bit of pressure off of my first ride. Still…
For the past few days I’ve been thinking of how this scooter will make my life better. Specifically parking. Where I would go with it. I’ve been meaning to check out Walmart so I can pick up some Wine gums for my 32km run on Sunday. That sounded like a good option for learning to ride.
So I go home, with the plan to catch up on some TV. (Hardly exciting, but I’m tired.) Since Space has been rebroadcasting all the old episodes of Angel, I’ve been watching them. I haven’t seen any from the past two days, so I need to catch up. Then I find that I’ve actually recorded the wrong channel! I have a coworker who has the DVD of the season with the episodes I missed, so I’ll try and borrow it. The problem is that I would like to watch it over the weekend, and that means I would have had to tell him today so he could bring it to work tomorrow.
With the way I’m batting right now, I don’t have good hope for tomorrow. What do I have planned? Another coworker has a problem that I’m helping him with. He currently gets cable from Shaw without paying. They aren’t billing him, but he still seems to get his cable. He wants to upgrade, but if he does, he’s sure they will notice he isn’t paying. This is too good a thing to screw up. But he is going to try an experiment. He wants to buy an HDTV decoder. But he needs to have Shaw activate it. So we’re going to set it up on my TV, phone Shaw and get them to activate it. Then he’ll take it home, and hopefully it will work there.
If it doesn’t work, I think he’s going to try and watch some PGA Masters golf tournament this weekend at my place.
Anyway, my place is starting to get messy, so I’m going to start cleaning it up.
I hope venting here is therapeutic.