Survey says: Too cold

At about 7:00 this morning I checked the temperature. -26 degrees. That’s too cold. I’m not going running outside.
So instead I had the guilty pleasure of sleeping in. After an hour and a half of that luxury I got up, ate part of a breakfast, and then went to the gym in the condo to use the treadmill. I did a fast pace and I think I’ve improved from the last treadmill. It doesn’t count as real running, but at least it gets me exercise.
After that, I went out for brunch with some people who did real running outside. I didn’t eat much. I didn’t think I deserved it. Then I went calendar shopping. I picked up some comics. I went home and read the comics. Then I read the newspaper. Now I’m here updating this journal.
Most people would probably put deep thoughts down here, but I seem to just itemize what happened that day. As near as I can tell no one is reading this. If they did they would think it was pretty boring. I’ve got to start thinking deeper thoughts, or take up some interesting hobbies.