Running shorts

I feel good today.
This morning I had a short run. 16-km. But it was done at a fast pace. (Done in less than an hour and twenty minutes.) And I feel great now. The endorphin rush is making me feel alert and perky. (The can of coke this afternoon may also be affecting my judgment.)
It’s been a long time since I’ve had a good run. All the others have been over the 20km limit. When I go above that, the endorphin rush is counteracted by the aches and pains of running too far. 16-km is perfect. And a good pace too so I feel like I did get a workout.
But I’ve come to a realization.
First some background.
I lived through the nineties. Nike was considered evil back then. Something about using child labor to make everything, and then sucking the marrow out of their corpses when they died from lack of food because they were chained to the sewing machines. I might be a bit fuzzy on the details. So I have an apprehension about purchasing anything Nike related.
The thing is, as a salesperson told me, that because they were having such bad press, they have to instead make sure their merchandise is of great quality.
When I run, I use spandex shorts, better known as bicycle shorts. It started out because I had read that tight fitting spandex toned your muscles better than loose clothing.
Oh look, a rut I’m stuck in.
I’ve been using Nike brand shorts for the longest time. Recently they expired. Holes were starting to appear where my legs were chaffing together. So I got a replacement. I went to the same place I bought the last ones, the Running Room. That place is trying to become a monopoly for all things running; An attitude that is starting to rankle me. In their quest for control, they no longer carry Nike branded shorts. So I had to get Running Room branded ones.
Since then, I have not had a comfortable run. The seams in those shorts are in all the wrong spots, and bigger than they should be. So I have a nasty rash during and after every run. It’s been hurting.
Today, I found out about a Nike store in town. I popped down there. They have shorts that I want, for half the price I paid the Running Room. The seams inside look intelligently placed and of minimal size.
I’m looking forward to my next run now.