
So we got new phone books at work. I thought I had grabbed some last Friday, but apparently I didn’t. So this Monday, I found that they have all been taken, and I’m not getting new ones. This sucks because now the ones I’m using are two years old. Mine are on a bookshelf that is behind me and I always thought of as being public phonebooks.
Cameron, who sits next to me, decided to take some of the new ones and have his own personal set. This wouldn’t bother me, but because he did that, I don’t get to update my phonebooks. I’m actually amazed at the amount of simmering rage I’m feeling. Maybe it’s because it is Monday, or from a lack of sleep, but there is an unhealthy feeling of resentment I’m feeling right now.
He has suggested I take some from the front lobby of where I live. Those belong to other people, so I would be effectively stealing. If I’m going to steal, I might as well just do it from the person who I feel wronged me.
I can just see I’m going to take this out on him in some D&D game later.
In summary: I need more sleep.