I felt horrible this morning. My stomach was really queasy. I might have even thrown up. But an Advil and a half hour rest on the beach and I was better.

I wanted to be good because I was in a fashion show tonight with two beautiful models. Conveniently roommates. Thankfully I was better by then and put on a good show. It was very nicely organized, and was received quite well. The only bad part was when someone messed up and caused me to fall and hit my head. I was blindfolded at the time. The producer was terrified of have a quadriplegic on his hands, but I barely noticed it. People were talking about it afterwards.

I loaned my watch to the organizer to help with her cues. But I lost track of her. Now I’ve been watchless for too long. It’s like being naked. And you don’t want to be naked in a place like this.

I spent a lot of the evening with the two beautiful models. Occasionally I was dared to try something stupid. Well, you know me and dares.

The pretty women will be on the Dunn’s River Cruise tomorrow. I wasn’t planning on going because I did it last year. Still, it is the best chance to go swimming around here. It is fun. And I would like to be the man spending time with the two girls instead of it being someone else.