Feasts of Mathematics

Okay, I’ve been horribly remiss in updating my journal. So I’ve got to try and be more proactive.
The biggest problem is that there is only one day during the week that I am free to do whatever I want. And usually that is taken up with chores I’ve been missing. Tuesday and Thursday I have acting classes. On Wednesday I have running. Friday is the Feast.
But the Feast was productive this week. I was able to get someone who knows math to help me with a complicated problem I’ve been having in the execution of my program. Now all I need to do is to check the work and make sure it does what I need. Implementing it will be another mountain to climb.
Next week the Friday Feast will be held at my place. So that should encourage me to get around to cleaning up the place. I’ve been lax. I really don’t feel like cleaning on Mondays.