Stupid is as stupid does

I was supposed to go running this morning. That was the plan for quite some time. Since I was going to be in Priddis, I couldn’t do the usual Running Room run. So instead, I would go on to the highway and start running west towards Bragg Creek. After an hour and a half, one of my parents would pick me up.
I didn’t contend with vacation mode.
The weather was fairly miserable down there. So last night I could not motivate myself to consider running. It was cold and there was no sun. That wouldn’t be any fun. So I skipped it.
Ironically, it was beautiful out there today. But too late for the run. Instead, we went into the Kananaskis park and took a walk. It was a forty minute walk in. Then there was some exploring of a hill at the bend of the river. And in theory, it would be followed by a leisurely forty minute walk back.
There is a pile of stones and rocks that I have been carefully constructing in my parent’s driveway. I alternate between calling it a navigational marker or a navigational hazard. In either case, I think it should be bigger. And at the bend in the river there was a nice, big rock. And I took it upon myself to haul it out of there. My mother estimates it at 25 kg. I am terrible at estimating weight, but it was heavy.
I’m wondering what state my back is going to be in tomorrow. My arms were limp at my side for most of today. Lifting a much needed can of Coke to my lips was a major undertaking.
Fortunately I could manage to lift them to the driving wheel of the car this evening. And now I’m back in Edmonton.