Spider-Rant 3

After work I grabbed Michael and jmacaig and went off to see a movie. Spider-man 3! It was immediately after work, so dinner wasn’t possible. Instead I used a coupon I had to get a pair of tickets, popcorn and drinks for a reduced price. I then spent $0.50 to upgrade the popcorn to a larger size.
Dinner of champions.
Oh, what is that on the horizon. Looks like a bunch of spoilers.
BTW, there is no sneaky scene after the end credits.
Too many super-villains. And they keep killing them off!
It’s a common complaint I have about superhero movies. They keep killing off what should be a recurring villain. And as the series progresses, they feel they need to up the ante, and do that by piling on the evil. That just dilutes them.
It was too much of a coincidence that the alien-being/costume would fall to Earth right next to the person who could do the most with it. I can accept the initial coincidence that led to the entire series (spider bite) because everything else followed logically from that one event. With a whole planet available, it seemed a too arbitrary that the symbiote would end up where it did. It just felt like a rushed way to stick another super-villain in.
I also disliked having Mr. Marko be the one actually responsible for the death of uncle Ben. That destroyed the mythology of Spider-man. It meant that even if Peter had stopped the mugger, Ben Parker would still have died. Well, maybe he wouldn’t have, but it made the thief that Peter let go too indirectly responsible for the great responsibility he was forced into.
Other than that, I enjoyed it. I did find Harry Osborn to be a more interesting character than Peter Parker. I think he has more depth.
More J. Jonah Jameson would have nice too.
I stayed until the credits were over in hopes of an additional scene. It wasn’t there. The scene I would have loved to see would be to have the snarky butler saying something to Norman Osborn, still alive and well.
He came back from the dead in the comics…

And keep your mask on for god’s sake!