
Since he got back, Steve has decided to like Kam. Why? Because without Kam, Steve would never have discovered smack, and without smack, he would have been trapped inside his old personality forever. (“Ethan, do you think I enjoyed being Ned Flanders every diddly-day of the week? [Expletive deleted] diddily-uck no. Every fibre of my being wanted to napalm the dry-erase boards, but instead I’d stand there smiling at pie charts, discussing how much of the budget we should allot for dried cranberries for the goodie bags at the Orlando staff retreat.”)

I didn’t learn anything about human rights, but later I did learn about how much my personality changed on smack. When I got back to Vancouver, I realized I was no longer a prisoner of that part of my brain that made me such a generic corporate suckhole. I found that I no longer cared about much of anything–that I could say whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. It was great.
-Douglas Coupland, JPod

I had some friends over yesterday. I had a schedule plan on my fridge; They made good natured fun about me. I am predictable and “That’s just like “. Other personality traits were pointed out and mocked. I will freely admit that I am an organized person, and fastidious about it.
I know it isn’t meant to be hurtful, but after awhile it gets to you. Am I the person I would like to be?
I have often said I would like to have a marijuana plant. Not to use for nefarious purposes. It’s a hardy plant that I could probably keep alive, and it would be a harmless act of rebellion. I have no interest in smoking it.
But it is probably better if I didn’t have the temptation sitting in my windowsill.

Not that I have any idea what marijuana looks like. Someone could give me a Cleome plant and tell me it was pot, and I would happily believe them.