
On Friday there was a farewell party for one of the founders of my original company. The company has been through two acquisitions, so it isn’t the same as it originally was. The initial acquisition made him quite wealthy. So now he is moving to Vancouver island. I guess the natural order is to make your money in Alberta and then get out.
I must say though that I didn’t enjoy the party. The founder kept talking about how fantastic his new mansion was and how great things were going. He harped on how everything was perfect in BC. He apparently will not miss anything in Alberta. And we heard a parade of stories of things he is doing with his wealth.
Now don’t get me wrong, the founder is a great guy. Very charismatic. He deserves his fortune because he put in a lot of work to get it. But at the party, I felt like it was being rubbed in my face.
I should look at this the correct way: If you work hard you can get rich and deserve it.
However, there is the hidden resentment that I didn’t get rich like he did when the company was bought up. The founders gave out stock options and allowed employees to buy shares. I bought a lot of shares so that when the time came I made a nice amount of money. Insanely risky, but it worked out for me. But the stock options were worth very little. So while the founders got a lot of money, the other employees did not become one of the upper class.
I read a review about the reality show Pirate Master which pointed out that the crew is getting resentful of the captain because he is getting all the money and not sharing it well. The crew gets at most a few scraps. (The author was relating this to the idea of hirelings in a D&D campaign.)
I wonder if that is the same thing happening here with me.

How petty of me.