He sleeps with the lenses…

Because of the operation I have to wear some eye-shields while I sleep. Basically large plastic lenses that I tape over my eyes, so I don’t rub them in my sleep.
The first two nights I didn’t have a problem. I think I was still delirious so I was sleeping soundly. The next night I noticed in the middle of it that they were sitting on my bedside table. In a place that I would have to almost leave the bed to put them. Weird. I was sure I had put them on.
The next night, I distinctly remember my finger rubbing my eye and then snapping awake. Where were my eye-shields? Once again, sitting on the bedside table, though not as far this time.
I’m guessing that my asleep-self is considering them to be glasses. So when he realizes they are on my face he takes them off and puts them safely where glasses are meant to be. Despite the fact that these are taped to my face and can hurt to take off.
The last two nights have been better and I have woken up with them in the correct position.
Actually, for the last few months I have been sleeping much better than usual. The key to this has been to turn off my alarm clock. Don’t even set it.
I was usually waking up two hours early, and unable to get back to sleep. I think asleep-self was dreading the sound of the alarm going off, so it didn’t want to chance being asleep when it happened.
Asleep-self has really got to learn to relax.
Now that the alarm is off, I sleep well, and I seem to wake up at the right time. And if I don’t, it probably means that I needed more sleep anyway. If I didn’t get that extra sleep, productivity would take a nosedive.
It came into play this morning. I was up a little too late last night reading Harry Potter. So I woke up an hour late. But I woke up refreshed instead of insane-sleep-deprived-self. (He’s a little cranky. We don’t want him around.) So I consider it a success.
This is all important because I don’t drink coffee;