Scientific Observations

It was fascinating to watch. At the after-party tonight a guy wandered in who looked like he didn’t belong. Let’s call him frat boy.
Frat boy would not leave my friend alone. I suppose that makes her the hottest one there. This friend is a professional model, so it makes sense. She has a boyfriend (not me) so nothing could happen. Frat boy is falling down drunk. I was able to witness attempt four, where he just came up and started fondling her hair. She got him to downgrade to a shoulder massage. He tried to make personal questions, but never seemed to clue in she was ignoring him.
For the rest of the night, er, morning, he would insert himself into conversations she was having with other people. Usually while loudly chewing gum in our ears. I’m pretty sure that when she left, he would follow her, like some ugly stray puppy.
In the end, Frat boy was distracted by another friend with revealing clothes.
For the record, I am not Frat boy. Hopefully not even allegorically.