Scooter Barbecue

So a bunch of us took our scooters tooling around town. I had the fun of going up Groat road and enjoying all its twists and turns. The high point for me was when we were on Whyte Avenue waiting at a light. A pretty girl walking by smiled at me when I smiled at her. It’s small things like that that mean a lot to me. We were to far to talk, but it was a nice boost to my self-confidence. I guess the stories are true: Scooters are good for picking up chicks. 🙂
Unfortunately, I’ll need to buy another helmet if I want to actually pick one up. Legally anyway.
After riding around we went to Hawrelak park and had a barbecue. It was fun. We had hotdogs and some trout. Mostly guys though, or girlfriends of guys.
A bunch of them were playing dominos for money. They started out at quarters, and the goal seemed to be to win enough to buy a tank of gas. Which would be about $5.
By about 9:00 it was over and I went home.