Drunk, verb or noun?

I am so wasted.
That’s what I would like to say, but it would be a lie. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t drink alcohol. Definitely not in the quantities I would need to.
I drank some absinthe. It tastes horrible, but then it isn’t for everyone. (The bottle will make a nice souvenir.) At the hot tub I was given a few drinks to try. Kahlua and cream tastes vile. Vodka and cranberry was a bit better. But that was diluted so I would need to drink a lot to get that drunk feeling again. I miss it. I liked being one of the cool kids.
In this motif of dryness I did two things this evening. I hung out with the body-painter as he painted pretty women. (A word of advice: Be careful of the smart-alec comments you make when the painter is applying glitter to the model. It tends to linger all over the body. They do bring out my eyes though.) I also did some karaoke. I dislike how they are doing it this year. They have a more professional person in charge of it, but he loves to hear himself sing. So he is singing every third song, sometimes ones no one else knows. In other words, he is hogging the fun. I only got to sing one song. I’m a little bitter.
And it was much more fun when it was a SHE in charge. They look nicer.