Dietary requirements

When I came back from visiting my parents, I didn’t have a chance to go grocery shopping. So yesterday I ran out of milk. This meant that for breakfast I had oatmeal. I like oatmeal on days that I am running because it doesn’t bounce in your stomach. However, it also digests very easily, which causes me problems when I’m not running.
Since it is out of my stomach so quickly, I get hungry earlier. So I have to move all my meals up. Also, I don’t think it has as much nutrition. In the afternoon I ran out of energy; Lethargic for the rest of the day. I tried to eat more for dinner, but by then it was too late. I went to bed early and conked out.
I need to go on a diet.
However, I need to do it in the strictest sense of the word. Basically, to change my eating habits. I need to eat more. Much more. With all the running I do, I’m burning off calories faster than I can put them on.
I am not a fan of eating. I do enjoy a good meal, but I also don’t mind skipping a meal if I am not hungry. Most Saturdays are without lunch for myself.
I heard that people have stopped listening to their body and can’t tell when they are thirsty any more. I don’t have a that problem; I have a hunger problem.
Right now I am ignoring my body. I should be making a dinner.