Phone her

At work today, I asked some coworkers for some advice. The gaggle of documenters are usually good for this, and they don’t take anything too seriously. I asked about the best way to call a girl after she has given you a phone number. I got some suggestions, which I planned to use for ammunition when I phoned the cute girl from Saturday. First I’ll get a good conversation going, and then see if she wants to go to a movie together. Of course, asking these people for advice was like announcing it on the PA system, and I had Kevan pumping me for details soon after.
Interesting side note: He overheard a conversation between two beauty estheticians while coming up the stairs this morning. The energetic one was heard to claim that she had seen every Star Trek episode. He instantly thought that this would be a good girl for me. Apparently I’m supposed to go down to the beauty esthetician academy and ask for a haircut by someone who likes Star Trek.
But I digress!
So, this evening I spent about half an hour pumping myself up to phone her. When I did, there was an answer on the first ring, and it wasn’t a pizza parlor. It was her actual number. That’s one fear gone, now I have to deal with the talking-to-her one.
Unfortunately, she was not that thrilled to hear from me. Her friend was in the hospital. I didn’t get the details, but apparently some people are crazy. She was busy calling the people she knew. So my telephone call wasn’t that welcome. I said I’ll try later in the week.
Better luck next time.