
Today, while I was driving to work, I saw my pet peeve happen before my eyes. The person in front of me threw a cigarette butt out their car window. I hate that!
The thing that made this different was that the car in question was plastered with an advertisement for Morgex. “Phone Cheryl” at this convenient phone number. Easy enough to remember that for the rest of the drive. When I passed her, I saw that the driver had already lit another cigarette and was puffing away.
At work, I dialed the number.
“Hello, this is Cheryl.” Score!
“Hello, I was driving behind you this morning and I was very offended when I saw you toss a cigarette butt out the window.”
Dead silence.
I continue: “Could you please not do that in the future.” I’m trying to be polite here, although my first instinct was to be snarky.
Then the raspiest voice I’ve ever heard “Thank you for your advice.” This person has obviously been chain smoking for a long time.
I had a good feeling for the rest of the morning.