Unemployed Day One

Today is my first day without work.
Today I worked.
I had a project I’ve been wanting to get at. I recently tried to improve my knowledge of SQL. When I went to Pluralsight for training, I found their courses… wanting. They were fine courses, but they were at the wrong level; improvements to the server itself. Most of them could be summarized with “Turn on statistics and refresh often.” Their simple examples were fine for showing how the server does its thing. None were very good at giving tips on writing a better SQL in the first place.
I’ve written SQL that is hundreds of lines long. (That is a lot.) I’ve done optimizations which changed the run time of a report from minutes down to seconds. (That is also a lot.) I felt better qualified to write a course than what I found.
Which means I had to.
Today I finished it and put it up on my website.
It is dry. It is technical. But it is mine. And it will be useful for me to consult at whatever job I end up at.

Of course, I forgot to put my name on it. Then again, I haven’t put my name on anything on my website. That will be a project for tomorrow.