Over Rankin Inlet

Journal entries while in flight are difficult, especially east to west flights. The time change can make them appear out of order. I think I have this correct.
I have been fed. I have been watered. I have been entertained (Fracture.) I have even napped.
I have not showered. I have not brushed my teeth. I have not shaved. I’m going to look terrible when I arrive.
They showed a commercial for The Keg. I haven’t had Alberta beef in a long time. I do need to eat out tonight…
I also haven’t eaten at a McDonalds in a similar period of time. In the new millenium I didn’t eat a greasy hamburger for a year and a half. I’m tempted to try that again. The problem is that fast food is cheap and awfully convenient at times. Everything in moderation?
I had wanted to buy a book before the flight. I even knew which one I wanted, a particular novel that might not be available in Canada. With my Sistine Chapel sprint through security, I never got the chance.
Or get the chance to get my taxes returned to me for my leather jacket.