Farming fear

On Friday I went out to the Farm of Fear. I thought it was the corn maze at night populated with zombies and other scary people. (Vampires would be too sophisticated to hang out in a corn maze. Frankenstein’s monster doesn’t seem malicious enough to be a threat. Werewolves would fit in well.)
Anyway, I was wrong. It was a barn made up to be a haunted house. I went in hoping to be scared, but it wasn’t meant to be. That was the problem though. I knew there were supposed scary things in there, but I also knew that nothing bad could happen. (Lawyers would get involved if it did.)
So there was no fear. When creepy guys in hockey masks came out, all I could do was say hello. And I feel I disappointed them. These guys are working hard to scare me and I couldn’t make the effort to act frightened. The best I could hope for was to be surprised, and that happened when various doors slammed shut.
I am envious of the girls who were in the corn part being chased by the guy with the chainsaw. They sounded really scared. And yet when I got there, I knew what was coming. No fear. The guy did seem tired though. He had been running through the corn all night with a heavy piece of farm machinery.
I tried to help. I hid in the corn and jumped out at the next party coming through.