Mental problems

You might say meticulous, but really, let’s accept that I am anal retentive.
I keep careful track of where my money is coming and going. To the cent. It would probably have been for the best if Quicken had not come pre-installed on my first computer.
So, on my travels through Europe, in the same book that I kept forthcoming journal entries, I kept track of what I had purchased. And every so often I would do the math (sans calculator) to confirm that I had the correct amount of money in my wallet.
It’s sad really.
Now, I want to enter all this data into my computer. I won’t feel right until I do. (Don’t judge me!) However I have hit a snag. Due to a discrepancy between the starting money between my notebook and my computer, I am forced to believe that I left some extra money in my home. It sounds like something I would do to avoid carrying around extra change.
The exact problem is that I don’t know where this missing $19.58 is.
Did I hide it that well? Or did I spend that in the four days before I left on the trip?

I really need to get rid of this mental affliction.