Summer barbecue

Yesterday we had a barbecue at work. I tried to bring some food, but the stuff I brought was not actively eaten. So I got to return the chips to the store I brought them from.
As usual, there was a lot of food at the barbecue. For the past year I am always hungry, so I was able to sate my appetite for awhile. We have a good variety of foods and some of my co-workers are very good at cooking. I got to try a bit of sous-vide steak along with some salmon. There was also the requisite burgers and hotdogs. And a lot of sides.
Cherries seem to be very common here so several people brought those. (I may have installed myself near them during the party.) There was a period a few weeks ago where Catalina and I purchased 13lbs of cherries in a 24 hour period. (We were forced to buy a lot due to parking validation requirements.) They were very good.
It continued today with some of the leftovers still waiting to be eaten. In a taste test comparison, I think I like the double chocolate cookies from Costco better than their one-bite brownies. I am surprised by this discovery.
I miss being able to hold a barbecue for my friends at my place. But Vancouver does not allow me to live near friends, or have a big enough place to throw a party.