November in America

November is the traditional time to vote in America. This year I was able to get myself registered so I can have a say in the government. It is a very tiny say since my vote doesn’t actually matter; this state will always vote Republican so my vote is essentially wasted. Still I want to do the right thing, so I went with my wife to vote.
It is surprisingly hard to vote here. We were doing early voting, but there was still quite a line.
But the big difficulty was the number of options. There were four pages of positions and candidates to vote for. I can’t see how anyone could make an informed choice over so many things. Judges; Boards; Comptrollers; Commissioners. It takes about five minutes to use the computer to help you go through all of the options. Then it prints a sheet summarizing your choices and you put it into the tabulator.
I can see why all this would discourage voting; just too much responsibility. It is impossible to make an informed choice. I did my best, but I really just went along party lines. Except for one county judge that my wife informed me had been making very bad decisions.
Is Canada better with the politicians appointing people to these roles? I feel it is, but I welcome someone making a case otherwise.