Uh oh

Good gravy. 6:30 in the morning. I’m staying up later each night. I should go to bed earlier to prep for jet lag.
Or maybe I should try and wrap around by staying up even later.

Scientific Observations

It was fascinating to watch. At the after-party tonight a guy wandered in who looked like he didn’t belong. Let’s call him frat boy.
Frat boy would not leave my friend alone. I suppose that makes her the hottest one there. This friend is a professional model, so it makes sense. She has a boyfriend (not me) so nothing could happen. Frat boy is falling down drunk. I was able to witness attempt four, where he just came up and started fondling her hair. She got him to downgrade to a shoulder massage. He tried to make personal questions, but never seemed to clue in she was ignoring him.
For the rest of the night, er, morning, he would insert himself into conversations she was having with other people. Usually while loudly chewing gum in our ears. I’m pretty sure that when she left, he would follow her, like some ugly stray puppy.
In the end, Frat boy was distracted by another friend with revealing clothes.
For the record, I am not Frat boy. Hopefully not even allegorically.

How to see the sights on a Sunday

I’m going to have to come out against sightseeing on your own. It does let you see what you want; For instance, I spent 45 minutes watching the canal locks. But on the whole it feels empty. There are no surprises. All I’ve really been doing is taking pictures of architecture and I don’t think I have any pictures of me.
I did see the Notre-Dame Basilica. I even went inside. I take it as a good sign that I didn’t burst into flames crossing the threshold. I decided not to push it and skipped mass.
I have been staying up too late when going to parties; 5:30 last night. This is playing havoc with my body.

First day in Montréal

Well, this day we learned some surprising facts about Montréal. For example, the average Montréaler takes street lights as more of a suggestion than a good idea. If you think the pedestrians are brazen, they have nothing on the pigeons. Very pushy birds here. In walking around I passed a surprising number of Le Château. It is disturbingly easy to get clubwear in this city. I saw the best dressed homeless person ever. Cathedrals are (literally?) littering the place. Chugging a homemade martini will make you light headed and warm in the stomach.
I had a native poutine today. It was a late lunch. It filled a void, but I wouldn’t make it a regular habit to eat. Which makes it ironic that it was also my next meal at 2:30 in the morning. In my defense, I was getting lethargic and several friends were going for some. I was buying one for a lovely American woman (a friend I had made in Jamaica) and while I wasn’t looking she ordered extra cheese curds on mine as well. There is no way I can finish this. A few bites did perk me up though.
There was an afterparty I could have gone to. I gave it a pass. I probably shouldn’t have but I will list the excuses I have come up with. 1) The nice girl I was mutually flirting with had a ring on her finger. 2) It looked like the group would be consisting of single men and couples. 3) Not all could fit in the cab. 4) I really should get some sleep.
I should try for a European time zone, not Asian.